Choosing a name for your LLC is an exciting and crucial step in starting your business, and we’re here to help navigate this process.
Your name should reflect your business while remaining unique and compliant with state regulations.
Key Considerations
Words to Avoid When Picking a Name
Most states have general restrictions for business names. Avoiding the following points can help reduce the risk of your business name being rejected:
- Offensive or Derogatory Words: Profanities, slurs, or derogative terms will be rejected.
Words Requiring Approval: Terms related to specific industries like banking, insurance, finance, or education may need additional consent. For example:
- Banking: Bank, Banc, Credit Union, Savings Association, etc.
- Education: Academy, College, School, University, etc.
- Corporate Abbreviations: Words like Corporation, Incorporated, or their abbreviations (Corp., Inc.) cannot be used by unincorporated businesses.
- Governmental Affiliation: Terms suggesting a government connection, such as Agency, Commission, Department, Bureau, Division, Board, etc., are not allowed. For example: “United States Export Development Agency LLC”.
Professional Words
Certain professional terms require proof of licensing. If your business falls within industries such as medicine, law, engineering, etc., consider consulting a legal professional to determine if a Professional Limited Liability Company (PLLC) is necessary.
Examples of Professional Services:
Accountant Actuary Appraiser Architect Barber Consultant Cosmetologist
Doctor Evaluator Engineer Financial planner Geoscientist Investment manager IT consultant
Inspector Lawyer Management consultant Marketing Midwife Nurse Pharmacist
Psychologist Psychiatrist Public Relations Real Estate Broker Social Worker Supply Chain Management Therapist |
** Please keep in mind that Tailor Brands does not provide PLLC filing services.
Creating a Distinctive Name
You might wonder what makes a business name distinctive. Even if you have a cool name that fits your brand, how can you be sure it's unique?
Always have a backup name in case your first choice is taken or too similar to another. Changing just one letter or number (e.g., "Coca-Cola" vs. "C0ca C0la") isn't enough to make a name distinctive.
Here are tips to ensure your name is unique:
- Avoid Common Words and Characters: Simple changes in letters or numbers do not create a unique name (e.g., “Great Tricks” vs. “Gr8t Trix”).
- Consider Alternates: Always have a backup name in case your first choice is too similar to an existing entity.
- Non-Distinguishable Elements: Words like “A”, “The”, “And”, “&”, punctuation, plural forms, company designators (LLC, Co.), spacing, and capitalization do not make a name unique. For example, “The Red Apple LLC” is considered the same as “REDAPPLE Inc.”
To Sum up…
By following these guidelines, all you need to do is unleash your creativity and choose your business name.
More questions? Getting in touch with us is easy, whether you prefer sending an email to, giving us a call at +1-888-209-2092, or simply clicking the Help button located in the bottom right-hand corner of our website.
This guide is for informational purposes only. Tailor Brands is not a law firm, and none of the information in this guide constitutes or is intended to convey legal advice. All statements, opinions, recommendations, and conclusions are solely the expression of the author and are provided on an as-is basis. Accordingly, Tailor Brands is not responsible for the information and/or its accuracy or completeness.