How do I connect my Tailor Brands Domain to a website made elsewhere?

Once you get your Domain, you will be able to connect it to any website you want!

If you use a different Website Provider, you will need to contact your Website Provider directly for instructions on how to connect a domain to a website made on their platform

It is very likely that they will provide you with a set of instructions regarding changing "nameservers" or changing your domain's "records". While this may sound intimidating, it is actually very simple!

Once they have given you this set of instructions, you can proceed to connect your Tailor Brands domain to your website by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your Tailor Brands account
  2. From your Tailor Studio, select the Domain tab on the left-hand menu
  3. Click on Advanced Settings and log in 

  4. Once logged in, click on your domain
  5. Scroll down and select Manage DNS 

Here you'll be able to perform the changes you need to connect your Domain purchased with us to your website. 

For further information or to speak with one of our Support Agents, simply click on the link here and submit your message via the green Help button on the bottom right-hand corner.

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