Your site has a native integration into Google Analytics that makes it easy to have website visitors tracked in Google Analytics (and other Google Tracking Tools).
To add Google Analytics to your site, follow these simple steps:
- Click on Settings from the left-hand menu within your Website Editor
- Click the Google Analytics tab
- Type your Google Analytics code.
- Type Enter to confirm.
To find your Tracking ID and global site tag:
- Sign in to your Analytics Account here
- Click Admin
- Select an account from the menu in the Account column
- Select a property from the menu in the Property column
- Under Property, click Tracking Info > Tracking Code. Your Tracking ID is displayed at the top of the page.
Invalid Google Analytics Account Error
This means your Google Analytics account is invalid, misspelled, or you are using the wrong code. The code should start with UA and be followed by a string of seven digits, followed by a short string of additional digits.
For further information or to speak with one of our Support Agents, simply click on the link here and submit your message via the green Help button on the bottom right-hand corner.