How do I secure my site with an SSL certificate?

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), is important to protect users and their websites and has become a standard industry offering. Having a secure site ensures that the content shown is indeed the content you intended to show visitors. As such, we automate the SSL integration to ensure the safety and security of all of the websites created with Tailor Brands.

When a custom domain is set up, an SSL certificate will automatically be generated within 48 hours*. You will be notified via email when assigning a domain through our platform and when the certificate is granted. Users will be able to remove the certificate from the SSL tab as well as restore it.  

You can also manually generate your SSL certificate on the Website Editor by following these steps:

  1. Click on Settings from the left-hand menu within your Website Editor
  2. Select Site SSL
  3. Click on Generate Certificate. This process will create an SSL certificate and may take up to 30 minutes. After its completion, the status will be updated and the account owner will receive a confirmation email.

If your domain was previously set up using a method involving using a CNAME and 301 Redirect, and have changed your DNS settings to reflect a CNAME and two A Records, you will need to recreate your SSL Certificate.
In order to do so, please follow these steps:
1. Select Settings in the left-sidebar menu
2. Click on Site SSL
3. Click on Recreate Certificate

Note: SSL certificates are not created for alternate domains

*If it has been longer than 48 hours since the site was published and you still see the site is not secured, please contact by clicking on the link here and submiting your message via the green Help button on the bottom right-hand corner.

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