How do I edit my website's description?

The site description may be used by search engines when they display the content of your site on their results page. While this field does not affect search engine rankings, it is very important for attracting users to navigate through the site.

This description is your opportunity to advertise site content to people and let them know exactly whether your page contains the information they're looking for. Create a concise and compelling description that people will want to click on.

You can edit your site's description by clicking on Settings from the left-hand menu within your Website Editor and then selecting SEO. Here you will be able to edit the following items:

- Website Title: The title is displayed in the preview of your site in the search engines and it is recommended to limit it to up to 60 characters. The title should contain important keywords to help search engines determine what your page is about. Furthermore, potential users will be reading the site title when deciding whether or not to click on a search result, so make sure to make it engaging and attractive!

-Website Description: This gives your future users an overview of the content your site provides and is recommended to limit it to 160 characters. 

- Website Keywords: these are key terms related to your site's content. 


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