How do I transfer out my Business Mailbox?

If you wish to transfer out your Business Mailbox from Tailor Brands so that it will be managed directly by Google, you can terminate the plan with Tailor Brands, and then set it back up with Google. 

To terminate your plan, please contact our Support Team by clicking on the link here and submitting your message via the green Help button on the bottom right-hand corner.

After we terminate the plan on our end, you will receive an email from Google to add your payment details. If you are not seeing the email in your main inbox, be sure to check your Spam and Promotional email folders. 

Once adding your payment details, you will be simply asked by Google to complete the registration process on their end directly. 

Note that once a mailbox has been transferred, you will no longer be able to access it through your Tailor Brands platform.
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