Sometimes when attempting to purchase a Business Mailbox, several technical errors can arise, preventing the purchase from going through
If you have attempted to make a purchase and received an error message that says "This domain is already in use" or "failed-to-create-customer" it could arise from a previous owner of this domain who used Google Workspace in the past.
If you are the previous owner of this domain, check if any of these reasons could be the likely cause:
- You had this domain under a different Google account and you recently removed it. It can take up to 7 days before having the ability to use the domain within the new account,
- You or someone else within your company have already used your domain to create a Google Account. You can try to reset the admin password through the Google Console which could help access the account.
- You are already using this domain with a different Google account of yours. If so, you can remove the domain via Google Console from the other account.
If none of these reasons look familiar, or you do not recall using this domain for Google Workspace in the past, please contact us by clicking on the link here and submitting your message via the green Help button on the bottom right-hand corner.