What is the Watermark Tool?

A Watermark is a lightened identifying image, like your Tailor Brands logo, that makes it difficult to use these images or attributes without identifying the original owner. Photographers are known for watermarking sample images before purchase, but watermarks can also be applied to product images, business documents, and posts that anyone would like to be attributed to them!

Our Graphic Design tool allows you to quickly and easily upload your images, choose the layout of your logo, watermark it, and download! 

Follow these steps to apply watermarked logos to your posts and images:
  1. Log in to your Tailor account.
  2. From your Tailor Studio, select the Graphic Design tab on the left-hand menu
  3. From here, you'll be able to explore all of the templates and sizes we offer. You can choose the one that has the format you like, select Photo on the left-hand menu, and then click on Upload at the bottom left to insert the image that you'd like to watermark
  4. Once the image is there, all you have to do is go to the Logo section of your left-hand menu and insert your logo!
  5. After the logo is in the image, you can position it anywhere, change its size, and rotate it. Once you have it placed, just change the Opacity at the top of the display, Save and Download


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