How do I add my logo as an Email Signature to Outlook?

With your Tailor Brands account, you may boost up your professional appearance by adding your logo as an email signature to Microsoft Outlook.
Adding your logo to your signature is easy and only takes a few minutes! 
To do so, follow these steps below:
  1. Open Microsoft Outlook and go to Options found within the Tools drop-down menu
  2. Select Signatures. This will open the Signature and Stationary Dialog Box
  3. Select the signature that you would like to add the logo to in the box Select Signature to Edit
  4. In the Section for Edit Signature, place the cursor where you want to insert the logo. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select the logo and click on the Image icon. The logo will then automatically be inserted into the signature
  5. Click on OK in the Signature and Stationery dialog box to finish, and you're all set!

For more information or if you require any assistance, please visit the Outlook Support Center, or simply click on the link here and submit your message via the green Help button on the bottom right-hand corner.


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