How do I print my Business Cards with Zazzle?

Using the business card that you created with the Tailor Brands brand maker on Zazzle is easy to do. Here are the steps you'll need to follow:

  1. Go to the Zazzle business card section here.
  2. Select a size. We recommend the business size of 3.5" x 2.0". Also, select your paper type and color. All these options appear on the right side of the screen. (You may have to scroll down to see the options)
  3. Once you've selected your size, paper, and colors, add front image for your business card. You'll do this by clicking "Add Image" and then dragging the image file from the folder on your computer into the area labeled "Drag and drop files here"
  4. You should now see a preview of how your business card design will look. You can reposition or change the size of the image if needed.
  5. Change to the back of the card
  6. Repeat the process from above to add the image for the back side of the business card. Reposition or change the size, if needed.
  7. You're done! Now you can select the quantity of cards you'd like, add them to your cart, and checkout. 

If you run into issues designing or printing your business cards using Zazzle, please contact their customer support for assistance! 

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