What is the Graphic Design Tool?

Our Graphic Design Tool is one of our most important features of getting your brand noticed on social media platforms!

When it comes to social media content, having a set of customizable designs is key. Our tool gives you the power to design almost any type of image content you can imagine so you can share it with your audience. From social media posts to small infographics, the Graphic Design Tool has it all :)

We provide this tool for you in all of our packages so you can create professional and beautiful content that will have a strong impact on how your audience perceives and engages with your brand.

You can find this tool in your Tailor Studio when selecting the Graphic Design section at the left-hand menu. You will find several ready-made templates, that you can add to, modify, or begin from scratch if you decide to!

There is also a dedicated tab in the left-hand menu where you can directly import your own logo.

We also provide you with the option to make Custom-Sized Content so you'll be able to enter the specific dimensions of the design you want to make, and make it!

The sky is the limit when it comes to what you can do with this tool, so feel free to try anything that comes to mind :)

For further information or to speak with one of our Support Agents, simply click on the link here and submit your message via the green Help button on the bottom right-hand corner.

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