How to share the Digital Card

Sharing your Digital Business Card, once it’s been published, is super easy!


Once your Digital Business Card is complete, please follow these steps:

  1. In the top right corner, make sure to click on Share
  2. From the pop-up menu you can choose to either Copy link or Save image.


By clicking on the Copy link, your Digital Card’s link will  automatically be copied, and can be pasted and shared. Anyone with access to your Digital Card’s link, will be able to view it online!


By clicking on Save image, your Digital Card’s unique QR code will be automatically downloaded to your computer. This QR code can be scanned and will lead the viewer to your published Digital Card.


Kindly note that editing the Digital Card’s URL affects both the link and the QR code. Each URL edit generates a new link and a new QR code - and need to be copied, downloaded and shared again.


Enjoy sharing your Digital Card with the world!

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