Do I own the full rights to my purchased Logo?

Yes - when purchasing your logo, you gain complete rights to your designs. The license gained is unlimited, worldwide, and royalty-free (subject to our Terms of Service).

Even if you decide to cancel your subscription, you will still have access to the features of our platform until the end of the billing cycle.

After the plan has expired, you maintain full rights to use your previously downloaded logo designs and other assets. In other words, you can still use your previously downloaded logo files on your webpage, social media, and however you see fit.

Note: A “TM” or trademark isn’t part of a license.

Nonetheless, as mentioned earlier, once a subscription is purchased, you gain full rights to the design whether you maintain your subscription, or decide to cancel at any time.


For further information or to speak to one of our Support Agents, simply click on the link here and submit your message via the green Help button on the bottom right-hand corner.



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