When using our Graphic Design Tool to create designs for your social media, we are providing you with size templates for your designs. These templates are based on the platform recommendations and requirements.
For example, the Social Post template is 500px by 500px, as this is the required size for most platforms like Facebook or Instagram.
However, if you have zoomed in and your logo looks blurry, and you would like to improve the quality, you can easily do so by using the Custom Size option instead. Simply keep the ratio required by the platform.
See the example below:
By default, the template is 500px by 500px, so now, when you are using a Custom Size option, type in size 1000px by 1000px, which will make the image twice as big and the quality much better.
We do not recommend going above 2000px since images will be compressed by the social media platform to fit standards and optimize platform performance.
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