How can I apply for an LLC?

To apply for an LLC, you typically need to choose a unique business name, file articles of organization with the appropriate state authority, and pay the required filing fees. The exact process may vary depending on the state's regulations, so it's essential to research and follow the specific requirements in your state.

With our professional LLC formation service, we’ll handle it for you!

To do so, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Log In to your Tailor Brands account
  2. From the left-hand panel select LLC
  3. Take around 10 minutes to respond to the application questions

Once you complete the LLC application, our team will review it and submit it. Our review process takes up to 14 business days. Once we submit your application to your state, it can take anywhere from 1 business day to several weeks for the LLC to be approved or rejected. In many cases, the state LLC approval process takes 2-7 business days.

Check out this article for more information on LLC: A Step-by-Step Guide

Please note that legal laws and regulations are subject to frequent changes. While we aim to provide helpful information, it's important to understand that this page serves only for informational purposes and does not provide legal or tax advice.

More questions? Getting in touch with us is easy, whether you prefer sending an email to, giving us a call at +1-888-209-2092, or simply clicking the Help button located in the bottom right-hand corner of our website.

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